Grappa di Müller Thurgau – 500 ml
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Grappa di Müller Thurgau

Müller Thurgau grappa comes from a typical Trentino white grape wine, grown at an altitude between 400 and 700 metres.
The pomace, after being delicately pressed during vinification, is distilled in a discontinuous steam still, creating a crystalline grappa with a fruity, fresh and delicate flavour, with a taste of great harmony and softness.

  • 2006 – Medaglia d’oro concorso nazionale grappe ANAG.
500 ml
40% vol

Type of grappa: Young aromatic grappa
Grapes: Grapes from Val di Cembra

Type of grape variety: white grape
Origin of the pomace (area of ​​origin): Grapes from the Piana Rotaliana
Distillation method: The pomace is distilled in a discontinuous bain-marie steam still, respecting the Trentino tradition

Organoleptic characteristics

Color: Crystal clear
Perfume: Floral
Taste: Great harmony and softness.

Technical features

Serving method: We recommend tasting this grappa in a tulip-type glass, at a temperature of 8 – 10° C
Consumption time: The ideal time to taste it is after a meal, but it is increasingly becoming a conversation grappa.